Today I am on day 41 of my project called 100 Shore Things in which I am painting 100 Jersey Shore themed paintings in 100 days. For months before the project I collected photos and stories from local photographers and Jersey shore residents. I have been using the photos as references for the daily paintings.
I started the project with the intention of posting on social media daily and my blog weekly. Well, here I am making my first blog post about the project on day 41! HA. The paintings are of course, taking more time than I planned. But I am having so much fun working on them and getting to know new people though this endeavor.
Now I have changed plans. I am documenting each painting as I go, but much of the blogging about the artwork will be done later, when there is more time. For now, I would love to share the link to an article that was written about me on Artzine.
You can read the full article here.
And see other press here.
